Tuesday, February 22, 2005

First Post

A friend from an e-mail list sent a link to her blog & I decided to start my own. I offer no guarantees for excitement, but I do promise honesty.

I'm a 34 y.o. wife, mom, writer, food lover, cook, art dabbler, & joy fairy. I will likely just be blogging about my daily life, what I do, read, cook, etc. Perhaps the occasional recipe would be fun. I think I will make up pseudonyms for my loved ones...I love pseudonyms!

So, today, I have been largely housebound. I spent the morning catching up on unread e-mail & perusing the latest issue of Saveur. I love the names in the wine articles...they roll off the tongue delightfully! I like to read the wine descriptions, too, although I am not particularly fond of actually drinking wine.

I took my darling wife's car for an oil change & headlight replacement. As soon as I walked into the place, a wall of cigarette smoke smell hit me...despite the No Smoking sign prominently displayed. I spent an hour and a half waiting, trying to read Tony Campolo while soap operas droned on beside me & the manager told me about his knee & wife problems. I really don't need to know that this total stranger walked in on his wife of 14 years & her lover...but, perhaps fodder for a story someday. I was also not fond of his assumption that I have a husband, although I didn't bother to correct it. Shame on me.

Because of the way the Beetle is constructed, the headlight replacement will take up to 2 hours of labor. So, I was ferried home in the trusty but rusted truck of one of the young fellas working there. He doesn't like his job, had a deposition this morning for an accident he was in 2 years ago, and went to Jamaica with his fiancée, who lives on my street. Sigh.

So, I spent the afternoon cleaning house, doing laundry, & puttering around online. Without a car (or the cookbook that was in my front seat), I am winging dinner. No orange basil chicken or butternut squash, but I AM making something tasty with chicken. Maybe chicken creole...

My oldest, a 5th grader, failed yet another Math quiz. He refuses to try talking to his teacher after school...he says she won't listen to him, but I think he just doesn't want to waste free time with Math. I called the principal & scheduled a meeting for tomorrow morning. I hope we can get some things accomplished because I am tired of hearing about how unfair his Math teacher is & I know he is tired of feeling like she hates him. I am sure she doesn't...she has said he is quite bright. He just takes things very personally. All his teachers really like him...he is smart & funny & kind.

So, fascinating story, eh?

Daria de la Luna

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